Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sleepless Shopping

So I've decided not to sleep yesterday in order to fix my sleeping schedule... 

What the shit. It did not work

I fell asleep at 7pm last night, and I've been wide awake since 5 in the morning. Greattttt!

What I commend myself for, however, is the fact that I was able to shop yesterday in TWO cities for a total of 10 hours without passing out, and I managed to have dimsum with my parents. huzzuh!

note: picture update soon!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I managed to make my entire back side of the house smell like barbeque beef. Hurray!

On a brighter note, the food was delicious! :]

Merry Christmas!

That's just a cute baby to look at... =====>

Saturday, December 13, 2008

second drunkenness

this is drunken blogging, fo sho.

i started off my night, nice and quiet, until i got the call... Mel: HEY JENNY! CAN YOU GET ME CIGARETTES? I want camel crush.

Me: sure.

look what i got myself into: a haze of drunken-ness. just look at my facebook and you'll see.

is this what i really want? right before finals week? righhhhhttt.....

update: It's absolutely hilarious to read this b/c I have no idea what this post means. What the hell is second drunkenness? Where is the first one?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Attempt at Being Amusingly Bored

Impossibly bored and sitting in my living room, this very random thought came to mind: I should start a blog based on the thoughts and ideas that run through my head in times of boredom, since I usually come up with some really really crazy stuff. :]

Well, here it is and here we go...